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  • Title Untitled
  • Category Painting
  • Medium Oil on canvas
  • Medium Pacific Northwest (subject or artist), Indigenous
  • Dimensions 24"h x 18"w
  • Framed Dimensions 25"h x 19"w
  • Year Completed 1974
  • Description This oil on canvas painting depicts a half-length figure who wears a flat-brimmed hat, a green kerchief, and a red shirt with white armbands while his hands are held together in front of him by handcuffs. He stands in front of red and white stripes and stars against dark blue appear along the bottom.
  • Artist Michael Paul American Colville Tribe b. 1936
  • Credit Ruby Collection
  • Location Library Art Storage E17
  • Accession Number 2007.0046
  • Status Available Request this art work
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